How to Insert Checkbox in Google Docs Without Strikethrough
In this tutorial, we will show you exactly how to insert a checkbox in Google Docs without strikethrough in just a few simple steps. Read on to learn more.

Checkbox Without Strikethrough in Google Docs
Follow the steps below to make a checkbox without a strikethrough in Google Docs.
1. Place Your Cursor Where You Want the Checkbox
Before adding checkboxes, position your cursor in the exact spot where you want the checkbox to appear in your Google Docs document. Let’s put the cursor before the word “Milk.”

2. Click the Checklist Button from the Toolbar
In the toolbar at the top, find and click the checklist icon (a checkbox with a checkmark inside). This will insert an interactive checkbox at the cursor’s location.

3. Disable Strikethrough for Checked Items
To prevent the items from being struck through when checked, right-click on the checklist. Select the “Don’t strikethrough when checked” option.

Alternatively, you can click the dropdown arrow to reveal more options. Click the option without a strikethrough.

4. Continue Editing or Adding Checkboxes as Needed
Now that you’ve added checkboxes without a strikethrough, select all the items in your list and apply the same changes you made earlier.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how to insert checkboxes in Google Docs without a strikethrough. If you enjoyed this article, you might want to check our articles on how to fix grammar check not working in Google Docs and how to check punctuation in Google Docs.